標準號: q/dnjy5-2007
酒精度數: 9度
凈含量: 500ml
原料: 荔枝
存儲條件: 常溫或低溫儲存
飲用建議: 冰鎮飲用尤佳
簡介: "荔妃"鮮荔枝汁酒是廣東帝濃酒業最新開發的荔枝酒產品,在原有釀造工藝的基礎上,采用原汁發酵荔枝酒和新鮮荔枝果汁,經特殊工藝市制而成. "荔妃"鮮荔枝汁酒口感清新,果香濃郁,酒度適中.充分體現了嶺南荔枝的獨特魅力,是家庭聚餐和社交酒會的最佳選擇. 飲用建議:適合搭配海鮮等菜肴,冰鎮后飲用尤佳. "lichee queen"fresh lichee wine is a new product guangdong dinong winery ltd.by mixing the fresh lichee juicefer-mented liohee wine,the fresh lichee wine acquires alcohol level.the wine shows special culture of the south china . it should be the ideal choice of family dinner amd business parey.